Getting to Bequia
Bequia is best reached from the gateway international airport of Barbados. (Miami is 3 hours 30 minutes, Toronto is 4 hours, New York is 5 hours, London is 7 hours 30 minutes, Los Angeles is 9 hours). From here take a short connecting flight to Bequia with SVG. (45-60 minutes, depending on whether it sets down passengers on another island on the way). Virgin Atlantic flies direct from London to the international Argyle Airport on St. Vincent which makes the journey more direct. St Vincent to Bequia is minutes on the SVG plane if you arrive before dark, or a 45-minute ferry ride or 20 minutes in a motor launch.
Otherwise, you can fly to Barbados with a connecting flight to Bequia. Or via St Lucia.
Both Virgin Atlantic and British Airways fly from the UK. There’s an easy connection with SVG Air. Check-in is 1hr. before departure and the flight is only 45min. into Bequia’s tiny airport.
Website: SVG Air
Tel: 001 784 457 5124
Fax: 001 784 457 5077
Grenadine Airways (SVG and Mustique Airways) are good at getting people to their destinations on the right day but sometimes weight constraints mean that they leave luggage behind, bringing it the following day. So we advise packing medicines and a change of clothes/swimsuit in your hand luggage. The airline also recommends attaching a yellow ribbon to luggage for easy identification in Barbados airport. SVG Air is very helpful and efficient.
Or, fly to Barbados with a connecting LIAT flight to St Vincent,
Take a taxi to the ferry and a 45-minute crossing will bring you into Port Elizabeth, Bequia. The LIAT flights are regular from around 8.30 am until 8.10 pm.
Website: Liatair
Tel: 001 784 457 1821
Fax: 001 784 457 2000
But depending on the international flight arrival time, at certain times of year, there can be an overnight stay in St.Vincent involved. The last ferry is around 18.00 pm. We recommend The Paradise Beach Hotel at Villa, 5min from the airport and 10min from Kingstown.
Website: The Paradise Beach Hotel
Tel: 001 784 570 0000
If this is the case, alternatively you can choose to spend a night in Barbados and catch the SVG Airways flight the following day, direct to Bequia. The SVG flights to Bequia are usually around 13.30 pm and 16.30 pm with check-in an hour before.
Ferry Companies:
A regular and efficient ferry service operates the 55min journey between Bequia and Kingstown, St. Vincent.
Call to check the timetable as it can change.
Website: Bequia Express
Tel: 001 784 457 3539
Website: Admiralty Transport
Tel: 001 784 458 3348
Fast Motor Launch
Raleigh Bynoe Tel: +1 (784) 593 3631 or 458 3782 captains the boat Rachel or a larger boat
Michael Bynoe Tel: +1 (784) 455 1154 a 32 ft motor launch with a cabin (call for rates)
For a swift transfer from the ferry dock in St Vincent you can opt to hire a motorboat to pick you up in St. Vincent at the Blue Lagoon pier and carry you to Bequia to avoid overnight charges at a hotel. The cost of fuel renders this a more expensive option than the ferry, around USD 450. Recent scheduling changes with the airlines have caused connection problems with the last scheduled ferry at 18.00. Get a group together and arrive in Bequia the same day.
Airport Departure
Airport Departure On leaving the islands of Bequia or St. Vincent at the airport a departure tax of EC$100 (about US$37) per person is payable to customs.
Bequia Taxis
Rudy Tel: 001 784 5309627
Raleigh Bynoe of Jump in Taxis Tel: 001 784 593 3631
Noel Ollivierre Tel: 001 784 458 3064
Alvin Ollivierre Tel: 001 784 458 3356
Brinsley Ollivierre ‘Zorro’ Tel: 001 784 433 9881
Dollar buses, taxis and water taxis
These lively, often crowded and closed vehicles are the cheapest way to travel the island. It’s always wise to negotiate the fare before the trip. Taxis can always be picked up under the shade of the Almond Tree in central Port Elizabeth. Water taxis on the dock at the Frangipani or Gingerbread docks.
Bequia Jeep Rental
We recommend renting a vehicle/jeep during your stay for exploring the island, its beaches and restaurants. A licence must be acquired at the Revenue Building in Port Elizabeth opposite the ferry (ensure you have your current license with you).
Noel Ollivierre’s Car rental service. Cell: (784) 593 7222 or Tel (784) 458 3064
Raleigh Bynoe Jump in Taxis (784) 593 3631
Philmore McIntosh (784) 458 3304